HRANA News Agency – 9 political prisoners in Evin, Tabriz and Rajaei Shahr prisons, are on hunger strike since 5 to 30 days ago. The health condition of some of them have been reported to be very bad. From three political prisoners in Tabriz prison, Rasoul Razavi and Morteza Moradpoor have been transferred to Rajaei Shahr prison. Hossain Alimohammadi who is kept still in central prison of Tabriz. In Evin prison, Vahid Sayadi, Arash Sadeghi, Mehdi and Hossain Rajabian and Ali Shariati are on hunger strike. On the other hand, Mohammadali Taheri’ had been in hunger strike since more than a month ago, but there is no information about him since then.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Rasoul Razavi, Morteza Moradpoor, Mohammadali Taheri, Vahid Sayadi, Arash Sadeghi, Mehdi and Hossain Rajabian, Hossain Alimohammadali and Ali Shariati, are 9 political prisoners in Tabriz, Rajaei Shahr and Evin prisons, who are on hunger strike for different reasons. Continue reading “9 Political Prisoners on Hunger Strike in 3 Different Prisons of Iran”