HRANA News Agency – After more than 3 years in solitary confinement and prison and despite the overturn of death penalty of family members of Malek Mohammad Abadian by the Supreme Court and despite the repeated promises, Court of Zahedan refuses to release the family on the bail.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Nasrin Abadian, this family’s girl, by announcing this issue, told HRANA: “The Supreme Court, due to lack of evidence and the fact that the confession was under torture, overturned the death penalty. Also the family of Molavi Jangi Zehi has said that they had no complaints against our parents, and local dignitaries testified about their innocence by a petition, and the authorities had also promised their freedom, however, sabotage and infiltrations by the security agents has been an obstacle to their freedom.” Continue reading “A Report about Malek Mohammad Abadian’s Family’s Situation”