727 Days of Silence: The Ongoing Detention of Osman Mameh

Osman Mameh, a 55-year-old resident of Bukan, has been held in detention for 727 days without any clear explanation from authorities. The prolonged lack of communication about his condition has left his family and relatives deeply concerned.

A source close to Mameh’s family told HRANA: “Despite nearly two years since his arrest and continuous efforts by his family to seek answers from security and judicial authorities in cities such as Bukan, Urmia, Karaj, and Tehran, no clear information has been provided. Mr. Mameh has not been allowed any contact with his family since his detention, which has only intensified their fears. Security officials have merely stated that he is alive and that the family would have been informed if he had died.”

Mameh was arrested by security forces on November 18, 2022, in Bukan.

As of this report, no details have been disclosed about the reasons for his arrest, the location of his detention, or the charges brought against him.