HRANA News Agency – Three newly converted Christians “Shahram Ghaedi”, “Heshmat Shafie” and “Emad Haghi” arrested in Folad Shahr – Isfahan.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), on 27 September, 2014, three newly converted Christians “Shahram Ghaedi”, “Heshmat Shafie” and “Emad Haghi” were arrested in Folad Shahr – Isfahan.
A well informed source told HRANA reporter: “on 27 September, 2014, at 4:30 pm, security forces raided Shahram Ghaedi’s residence and after searching his house, confiscated his belongings and arrested him.”
This source continued: “Shahram Ghaedi – a theatre actor- was making a movie back in 2013 about the life of Jesus Christ (The Prophet). However, the work left unfinished after several actors were arrested.”
It is important to note that there is still no reliable information available about the fate of these three Christians but their close relatives believe they have been transferred to Ward “A- T” which is supervised by the intelligent services in Isfahan Central Prison.
The following pictures are various scenes from the mentioned movie.