According to Haal Vsh, three prisoners were executed at Yazd Prison at dawn on Thursday, November 28, 2024.
The report states that Davood Mohammadi Takht-Shah (Dahmardeh) and Othman Dahmardeh, previously sentenced to death for drug-related charges by the Yazd Revolutionary Court were executed. The third prisoner has been identified as Esmail Barakzaie, approximately 18 years old and an Afghan national residing in Yazd. He was arrested for murder in Meybod, Yazd, and subsequently sentenced to death by the judiciary.
Haal Vsh also reported that Esmail Barakzaie was about 17 years old at the time of the murder.
As of this report’s publication, the execution of these three prisoners has not been officially announced by prison authorities or responsible institutions.
According to latest HRANA’s annual report over between October 10, 2023, and October 8, 2024, at least 811 individuals were executed by hanging in Iran, rising to 23.06% compared to the same period last year. Of these executions, four were carried out in public. Many of the defendants were denied a fair trial.