HRANA News Agency – Farshid Naseri, Teymour Naderizadeh and Barzan Nasrollahzadeh three of Sunni prisoners in Rajaie Shahr prison of Karaj have been sentenced to execution.
According to the report of the Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Abdolazim Sabeti the lawyer of these three prisoners declared that they have been sentenced by Judge Moqayyeseh in branch 28 of revolutionary court.
A source told HRANA reporter: “According to the information given to the three prisoners by Abdolazim Sabeti, the verdicts issued in Tehran revolutionary court. The lawyer informed the families of the prisoners too. A while ago this lawyer informed the families of 26 Sunni prisoners of the execution verdict in the same way.”
“Abdolazim Sabeti told the prisoners that obviously due to the current situation the number of execution verdicts will be increased.”
“Barzan Nasrollahzadeh the 17 years old prisoner was arrested three years ago. Barzan got shot by the intelligence plainclothes agents in his stomach and injured severely. Despite the doctors’ insistence to hospitalize Barzan, the agents stopped medical treatment after an hour and transferred him to Sanandaj intelligence, so he lost his entire spleen. Barzan was tortured during the interrogation sessions and because he was very young the interrogators forced him to watch the torture of the others in the intelligence service and finally he gave a video recorded confession in terms of his relation with Islamic extremist -Salafi- groups.”, the source added.
This source gave more information about Farshid NAseri the other sentenced to execution prisoner and said: “Farshid Naseri , 26, from Sanandaj was arrested three years ago by intelligence service agents. He was in solitary confinement in Sanandaj intelligence for 13 months and then transferred to Rajaie Shahr prison.”
About Teymour Naderizadeh, 48, who was arrested on June 18, 2010 in Sanandaj, the source told HRANA: “He was in solitary confinement in Sanandaj intelligence for two months and for 12 months in Zanjan intelligence and then transferred to Rajaie Shahr prison.”
“All of them sentenced to execution on charge of enmity against God through collaboration with the Salafi groups while they refused such accusation during the interrogation sessions. The three prisoners believe that they promoted Islam and that is the reason of their execution verdict.”