The IRGC Intelligence Public Relations has reported the arrest of a blogger in Gorgan province on charges of allegedly “promoting a Western lifestyle,” according to Basij News.
The arrest was carried out by judicial authorities, and the blogger’s Instagram page, which had amassed over 100 thousand followers, has been taken down.
As of now, the identity of the detained blogger, their location, and the specifics of the allegations remain undisclosed.
It’s important to note that imposing a certain lifestyle on citizens is a clear violation of Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which grants everyone the right to life, liberty, and security of person. Furthermore, Article 12 of the same declaration upholds the right to privacy, protection from arbitrary interference with personal matters, family, home, or correspondence, as well as protection from attacks on one’s honor and reputation. Every individual has the right to seek legal protection against such interference and attacks.