The Latest Comprehensive List of 54 Political and Security Prisoners Sentenced to Death in Iran

HRANA News Agency –Recent investigations by HRANA reveal that at least 54 prisoners across Iran have been sentenced to death on political or security-related charges. The findings show that some of these sentences have been upheld by the Supreme Court and forwarded to execution branches. Of these, at least 24 were sentenced to death by Tehran’s Revolutionary and Criminal Courts, while the remaining 30 are concentrated in provinces such as Khuzestan, Razavi Khorasan, West Azerbaijan, Sistan and Baluchestan, and Kurdistan.

HRANA’s research highlights serious due process violations in many of these cases. Prisoners were frequently denied fair trials, including restricted or outright denial of access to legal representation and a lack of transparency in judicial proceedings. Some were denied access to their chosen attorneys, while in other instances, judicial authorities blocked meetings between prisoners and their lawyers. A significant number of these individuals, who denied the charges against them, were sentenced to death following opaque and unjust trials. Reports further indicate that some of these prisoners are currently held in solitary confinement, awaiting execution.

Investigations show that judges in Tehran courts have issued the majority of death sentences for these prisoners. The main charge against them is cited as “Baghi” (armed rebellion or uprising against the government). Branch 15 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Abolghasem Salavati, and Branch 26, led by Judge Iman Afshari, have played significant roles in issuing these sentences. In Urmia, sentences against prisoners, including porters accused of espionage for Israel, have been issued by Branch 3 of the Urmia Revolutionary Court.

Some death sentences were reissued in equivalent-level courts after being overturned by the Supreme Court. For example, Hatem Özdemir and Abbas (Mojahid) Korkor (Korkori) were resentenced to death in equivalent courts following the annulment of their initial sentences. Similarly, Mohammad Javad Vafaei Sani was sentenced to death for the third time during judicial proceedings.

While certain individuals have been accused of espionage, the Iranian government’s track record of leveraging such charges as a political tool against dissidents raises serious doubts about these allegations. The use of the death penalty in cases shrouded in secrecy and lacking transparency only exacerbates concerns.

Lawyers for some of these prisoners have repeatedly asserted that their clients were sentenced to death in unfair judicial processes that failed to meet fair trial standards. For instance, in the case of Pakhshan Azizi, her lawyers stated that the evidence presented to the Supreme Court demonstrated that she had no involvement in military activities and was solely engaged in humanitarian efforts in refugee camps for those displaced by ISIS. They expressed concern over the potential rushed handling of the case and called for a thorough and fair review of the evidence.

This report focuses on the human consequences of these cases, identifying the names and examining the latest legal statuses of 54 prisoners sentenced to death on political and security-related charges.


1. Varisheh Moradi

  • Prison: Evin Prison
  • Main Charge: Baghi (armed rebellion)
  • Court: Branch 15, Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
Varisheh Moradi was arrested by security forces in the suburbs of Sanandaj on August 1, 2023. She was transferred to the women’s ward of Evin Prison on December 26. In November, 2024, she was sentenced to death by Branch 15 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Abolghasem Salavati, on charges including membership in an opposition group and Baghi.


2. Pakhshan Azizi

  • Prison: Evin Prison
  • Main Charge: Baghi
  • Court: Branch 26, Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence issued and upheld by the Supreme Court
Pakhshan Azizi, a resident of Mahabad, was arrested in Tehran on August 4, 2023, and transferred to Ward 209 of Evin Prison. After four months of interrogation, she was moved to the women’s ward. On July 24, 2023, Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Iman Afshari, sentenced her to death and four years of imprisonment on charges of Baghi through membership in opposition groups. Her case has been recently upheld by the Supreme Court.



3. Akbar Daneshvar-Kar

  • Prison: Evin Prison
  • Main Charge: Baghi
  • Court: Branch 26, Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
4. Seyed Mohammad Taghavi Sangdehi

  • Prison: Evin Prison
  • Main Charge: Baghi
  • Court: Branch 26, Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
5. Babak Alipour

  • Prison: Evin Prison
  • Main Charge: Baghi
  • Court: Branch 26, Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
6. Pouya Ghobadi Bistoni

  • Prison: Evin Prison
  • Main Charge: Baghi
  • Court: Branch 26, Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
7. Vahid Bani-Amerian

  • Prison: Evin Prison
  • Main Charge: Baghi
  • Court: Branch 26, Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
8. Seyed Abolhasan Montazer

  • Prison: Evin Prison
  • Main Charge: Baghi
  • Court: Branch 26, Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
Vahid Bani-Amerian and Seyed Abolhasan Montazer were arrested in December 2022, and Babak Alipour was detained in autumn 2023 in Tehran. Pouya Ghobadi and Seyed Mohammad Taghavi were arrested in Chaldoran, and Akbar Daneshvar-Kar was detained on February 23, 2024, by security forces and transferred to Evin Prison.

In December 2024, Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Iman Afshari, sentenced these six political prisoners to death on charges including Baghi (armed rebellion) through membership in opposition groups, conspiracy to disrupt national security, formation of illegal groups, destruction of public property, and illegal border crossing.

Additionally, they received supplementary sentences:

  • Akbar Daneshvarkar and Seyed Mohammad Taghavi Sangdehi: 15 years imprisonment each.
  • Babak Alipour: 5 years imprisonment and 20 years exile in Khash.
  • Pouya Ghobadi Bistoni: 1 year imprisonment.
  • Vahid Bani-Amerian: 5 years imprisonment.
  • Seyed Abolhasan Montazer: 5 years imprisonment.


9. Eido Shah-Bakhsh

  • Prison: Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj
  • Main Charge: Baghi (armed rebellion)
  • Court: Branch 28, Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Sentence upheld by the Supreme Court; referred to the execution branch
10. Abdolghani Shah-Bakhsh

  • Prison: Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj
  • Main Charge: Baghi
  • Court: Branch 28, Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Sentence upheld by the Supreme Court; referred to the execution branch
11. Abdolrahim Ghanbarzahi Gorgij (Rahim Mirbaloch)

  • Prison: Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj
  • Main Charge: Baghi
  • Court: Branch 28, Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Sentence upheld by the Supreme Court; referred to the execution branch
12. Soleiman Shah-Bakhsh

  • Prison: Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj
  • Main Charge: Baghi
  • Court: Branch 28, Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Sentence upheld by the Supreme Court; referred to the execution branch
These individuals were arrested in 2012. Many of their court sessions were irregular, and some defendants, such as Eido Shah-Bakhsh and Abdolghani Shah-Bakhsh, were acquitted by Branch 1 of the Zahedan Revolutionary Court but were rearrested in 2016 following objections from security agencies. On February 4, 2024, Branch 28 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Mohammad Reza Amozad Khalili, sentenced them to death for Baghi through membership in opposition groups and armed rebellion against the regime. The Supreme Court’s Branch 32 upheld their death sentences, and the cases were referred to the first branch of the Tehran Security Prosecutor’s Execution Office.


13. Milad Armoun

  • Prison: Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj
  • Main Charge: Participation in murder and intentional assault
  • Court: Branch 13, Tehran Criminal Court One
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
14. Alireza Kafaei

  • Prison: Evin Prison
  • Main Charge: Baghi
  • Court: Branch 26, Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence issued and upheld by the Supreme Court
15. Amir Mohammad Khosh-Eghbal

  • Prison: Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj
  • Main Charge: Participation in murder and intentional assault
  • Court: Branch 13, Tehran Criminal Court One
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
16. Navid Najaran

  • Prison: Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj
  • Main Charge: Participation in murder and intentional assault
  • Court: Branch 13, Tehran Criminal Court One
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
17. Hossein Nemati

  • Prison: Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj
  • Main Charge: Participation in murder and intentional assault
  • Court: Branch 13, Tehran Criminal Court One
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
18. Alireza Barmarz Pournak

  • Prison: Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj
  • Main Charge: Participation in murder and intentional assault
  • Court: Branch 13, Tehran Criminal Court One
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
Milad Armoun, Alireza Kafaei, Amir Mohammad Khosh-Eghbal, Navid Najaran, Hossein Nemati, and Alireza Barmerz Pournak are defendants in the so-called “Ekbatan Complex” case. They were arrested in 2022 during nationwide protests after the killing of a Basij militia member named Arman Ali Vardi in Ekbatan Complex. In November 2024, Branch 13 of Tehran Criminal Court One sentenced each of them to death for “participation in murder and intentional assault.”


19. Edris Ali

  • Prison: Urmia Prison
  • Main Charge: Espionage
  • Court: Branch 3, Urmia Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
20. Azad Shojaei

  • Prison: Urmia Prison
  • Main Charge: Espionage
  • Court: Branch 3, Urmia Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
21. Rasoul Ahmad Mohammad

  • Prison: Urmia Prison
  • Main Charge: Espionage
  • Court: Branch 3, Urmia Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
Edris (Idris) Ali, Azad Shojaei, and Rasoul Ahmad Mohammad were arrested earlier this year and transferred to Urmia Prison. In November, 2024, the judiciary spokesperson announced their death sentences, claiming they were involved in espionage and, under the guise of alcohol smuggling, transported “assassination equipment” intended for a senior official of Iran’s nuclear program. The sentences were issued by Branch 3 of the Urmia Revolutionary Court.


22. Behrooz Ehsani

  • Prison: Evin Prison
  • Main Charge: Baghi (armed rebellion)
  • Court: Branch 26, Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: death sentence upheld by the Supreme Court
23. Mehdi Hassani

  • Prison: Evin Prison
  • Main Charge: Baghi
  • Court: Branch 26, Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: death sentence upheld by the Supreme Court
Behrooz Ehsani was arrested on November 28, 2022, at his home in Tehran and transferred to Ward 209 of Evin Prison. Mehdi Hassani was arrested on September 9, 2022, while attempting to leave the country in Zanjan and later transferred to Evin Prison. In September 2024, Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Iman Afshari, sentenced them to death. The charges included “Baghi, Moharebeh (enmity against God), spreading corruption on earth, membership in opposition groups, gathering classified information, and collusion against national security.” On January 8, 2025, the Supreme Court upheld their death sentences.


24. Hamid Hossein-Nezhad Heidaranlou

  • Prison: Urmia Prison
  • Main Charge: Baghi
  • Court: Branch 1, Urmia Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence issued, referred to the Supreme Court
Hamid Hossein-Nezhad Heidaranlou was arrested in April 2023 at the Chaldoran border by border guards. He was reportedly subjected to physical and psychological torture in the detention center of the Urmia Intelligence Office to extract a forced confession regarding participation in armed clashes between opposition parties and border forces. He was later transferred to Urmia Prison. In July 2024, Branch 1 of the Urmia Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Najafzadeh, sentenced him to death for Baghi through membership in opposition parties. His case has been referred to the Supreme Court.


25. Hatem Özdemir

  • Prison: Urmia Prison
  • Main Charge: Moharebeh (waging war against God)
  • Court: Branch 3, Urmia Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence upheld by the Supreme Court
Hatem Özdemir was arrested in Maku in early summer 2019 by security forces and transferred to the political ward of Urmia Prison after two months. Initially sentenced to death for Baghi by the Khoy Revolutionary Court in late winter 2021, his sentence was overturned by the Supreme Court and sent for retrial. In May 2024, he was resentenced to death for Moharebeh by Branch 3 of the Urmia Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Najafzadeh. The sentence was upheld by the Supreme Court in September 2023.


26. Mehrab (Mehran) Abdollahzadeh

  • Prison: Urmia Prison
  • Main Charge: Baghi
  • Court: Urmia Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
Mehrab (Mehran) Abdollahzadeh was arrested during the nationwide protests of 2022 and transferred to Urmia Prison. He was later sentenced to death by the Urmia Revolutionary Court, accused of killing a Basij militia member, leading to charges of Baghi and his death sentence.


27. Naser Bekrzadeh

  • Prison: Urmia Prison
  • Main Charge: Espionage
  • Court: Branch 3, Urmia Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
Naser Bekrzadeh, 25, a resident of Urmia, was arrested in January 2024 by security forces and transferred to the city’s prison. In mid-November 2024, Branch 3 of the Urmia Revolutionary Court sentenced him to death. The judiciary media center claimed he was charged with “espionage for Israel and collaboration with Mossad.”


28. Shahin Vasaf

  • Prison: Urmia Prison
  • Main Charge: Espionage
  • Court: Branch 3, Urmia Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
Shahin Vasaf, 28, a resident of Salmas and Urmia, was arrested in September 2022 by security forces. After completing his interrogation at the Urmia Intelligence Office, he was transferred to Urmia Prison. In October 2023, he was sentenced to death by Branch 3 of the Urmia Revolutionary Court for “espionage for Israel.”


29. Shahriar Bayat

  • Prison: Evin Prison
  • Main Charge: Sab-al-Nabi (blasphemy against the Prophet)
  • Court: Branch 13, Tehran Criminal Court One
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
Shahriar Bayat, 64, was arrested at his home in Shahriar on September 25, 2022, during nationwide protests. Initially transferred to Greater Tehran Prison and later to Evin Prison, he faced multiple charges in two cases. On March 1, 2023, Branch 1 of the Shahriar Revolutionary Court sentenced him to a total of 18 years imprisonment for charges including “propaganda against the regime,” “insulting the founder of the Islamic Republic,” “collusion against national security,” and “forming and managing illegal groups.” On March, 2024, Branch 13 of Tehran Criminal Court One sentenced him to death for “insulting the prophet of Islam and Islamic sanctities” through online posts and content.


30. Farshid Hassan Zahi

  • Prison: Ward 9, Zahedan Prison
  • Main Charge: Moharebeh (waging war against God)
  • Court: Branch 1, Zahedan Criminal Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence issued, referred to Branch 32 of the Supreme Court
Farshid Hassan Zahi, son of Hanif, was arrested on November 24, 2022, in the village of Cheshmeh Ziarat, Zahedan, by security forces. He was accused of “shooting at a police vehicle in Cheshmeh Ziarat, killing soldier Behzad Barahouyi, and injuring lieutenant Mehdi Hashem Zehi.” He is currently held in Ward 9 of Zahedan Prison. The court session that led to his death sentence was conducted online, without the presence of his defense attorney.


31. Mohammad Zeyneddini

  • Prison: Ward 9, Zahedan Prison
  • Main Charge: Moharebeh
  • Court: Branch 1, Zahedan Criminal Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence upheld by the Supreme Court
32. Adham Naroui

  • Prison: Ward 9, Zahedan Prison
  • Main Charge: Moharebeh
  • Court: Branch 1, Zahedan Criminal Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence upheld by the Supreme Court
Mohammad Zeyneddini was arrested in October 2020, and Adham Naroui was detained on May 25, 2021, in Lashar, Espakeh County, by security forces. Their cases, initially investigated by Branch 6 of the Zahedan Prosecutor’s Office, were later referred to Branch 1 of Zahedan Criminal Court for the killing of three security forces. In early 2023, both were sentenced to death by the court for “Moharebeh through armed action.” Their sentences were upheld by the Supreme Court on November 19, 2023.


33. Mohammad Javad Vafaei Thani

  • Prison: Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad
  • Main Charge: Corruption on Earth through arson and deliberate destruction of specific sites
  • Court: Branch 2, Mashhad Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
Mohammad Javad Vafaei Sani, a 28-year-old boxing coach, was arrested in March 2020 in Mashhad by security forces and transferred to Vakilabad Prison. In January 2022, he was sentenced to death by Branch 4 of Mashhad Revolutionary Court for “corruption on earth through arson and deliberate destruction of specific sites, including a government building.” The sentence was overturned by the Supreme Court, and the case was sent for retrial. In August 2023, Branch 2 of Mashhad Revolutionary Court reissued the death sentence. This was again overturned by the Supreme Court, but in September 2023, Branch 3 of Mashhad Revolutionary Court sentenced him to death for a third time. His lawyer, Babak Paknia, criticized the decision, stating the court ignored the Supreme Court’s reasoning.


34. Abbas Deris

  • Prison: Mahshahr Prison
  • Main Charge: Moharebeh
  • Court: Branch 1, Mahshahr Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence upheld by the Supreme Court; retrial request denied
Abbas Deris was arrested on December 8, 2019, alongside his brother Mohsen by intelligence agents. In October 2022, he was sentenced to death for Moharebeh by Branch 1 of Mahshahr Revolutionary Court. This was upheld by the Supreme Court in July 2023. After a retrial request in July 2023, the Supreme Court temporarily suspended the sentence but ultimately rejected the request in February 2024. His lawyer has filed for judicial review under Article 477. In another case, he was sentenced to 14 years for murder and weapons possession. Abbas Deris, a father of three, has denied involvement in arson and road blockades during protests in November 2019.


35. Ahmadreza Jalali (Djalali) 

  • Prison: Evin Prison
  • Main Charge: Espionage
  • Court: Not specified
  • Case Status: Death sentence upheld by the Supreme Court
Ahmadreza Jalali, a dual-national academic, was arrested in April 2016 during a visit to Iran upon the invitation of Tehran University. He was later sentenced to death for espionage. The Supreme Court upheld his sentence in December 2017. The judiciary spokesperson, Zabihollah Khodaian, confirmed in May 10, 2023, that the sentence is final and enforceable.


36. Yousef Ahmadi

  • Prison: Sanandaj Prison
  • Main Charge: Baghi (armed rebellion)
  • Court: Branch 1, Sanandaj Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence upheld by the Supreme Court
Yousef Ahmadi, along with three co-defendants in a joint case, was arrested in April 2020 on suspicion of “collaborating with a Kurdish opposition party.” In September 2023, Branch 1 of the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Saeedi, sentenced Ahmadi to death for Baghi and sentenced the other three co-defendants to long prison terms for complicity. The Supreme Court upheld Ahmadi’s death sentence in February 2024.


37. Mohammad Mehdi Soleimani

  • Prison: Ward 1, Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad
  • Main Charge: Killing a Basij member
  • Court: Branch 5, Khorasan Razavi Criminal Court One
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
State media reported that an individual identified as “Mohammad Mehdi-S” was sentenced to death by Branch 5 of the Khorasan Razavi Criminal Court for the killing of Basij member Rasoul Doost Mohammadi during the 2022 nationwide protests. He was also sentenced to flogging (74 lashes) and imprisonment for possession of explosives and incendiary materials. HRANA confirmed his identity as Mohammad Mehdi Soleimani, currently held in Ward 1 of Vakilabad Prison.


38. Ali Mojdam

  • Prison: Sepidar Prison, Ahvaz
  • Main Charge: Leadership and membership in a Baghi group
  • Court: Ahvaz Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence under review by the Supreme Court
39. Mohammadreza Moghadam

  • Prison: Sepidar Prison, Ahvaz
  • Main Charge: Leadership and membership in a Baghi group
  • Court: Ahvaz Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence under review by the Supreme Court
40. Moein Khanfari

  • Prison: Sepidar Prison, Ahvaz
  • Main Charge: Membership in a Baghi group
  • Court: Ahvaz Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence under review by the Supreme Court
41. Adnan Ghobeishavi

  • Prison: Sepidar Prison, Ahvaz
  • Main Charge: Membership in a Baghi group
  • Court: Ahvaz Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence under review by the Supreme Court
42. Salem Mousavi

  • Prison: Sheiban Prison, Ahvaz
  • Main Charge: Membership in a Baghi group
  • Court: Ahvaz Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence under review by the Supreme Court
43. Habib Deris

  • Prison: Sheiban Prison, Ahvaz
  • Main Charge: Membership in a Baghi group
  • Court: Ahvaz Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence under review by the Supreme Court
Ali Mojdam, Mohammadreza Moghadam, Moein Khanfari, Habib Deris, Adnan Ghobeishavi, and Salem Mousavi were arrested in February 2019 by security forces in Khuzestan. In March 2023, Mojdam and Moghadam were sentenced to death for leadership and membership in the “armed branch of Harakat al-Nazal al-Arabi,” accused of armed opposition to the Islamic Republic. The others were sentenced to death for membership in the same group. Their cases are currently under review by the Supreme Court. In late October 2024, Mojdam, Moghadam, Khanfari, and Ghobeishavi were transferred from Sheiban Prison to Sepidar Prison in Ahvaz.


44. Farhad Shakeri

  • Prison: Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad
  • Main Charge: Baghi (armed rebellion) through membership in a Salafi group
  • Court: Branch 4, Mashhad Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence upheld by the Supreme Court
45. Isa Eidmohammadi

  • Prison: Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad
  • Main Charge: Baghi through membership in a Salafi group
  • Court: Branch 4, Mashhad Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence upheld by the Supreme Court
46. Abdolrahman Gorgij

  • Prison: Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad
  • Main Charge: Baghi through membership in a Salafi group
  • Court: Branch 4, Mashhad Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence upheld by the Supreme Court
47. Abdolhakim Azim Gorgij

  • Prison: Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad
  • Main Charge: Baghi through membership in a Salafi group
  • Court: Branch 4, Mashhad Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence upheld by the Supreme Court
48. Taj Mohammad Khormali

  • Prison: Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad
  • Main Charge: Baghi through membership in a Salafi group
  • Court: Branch 4, Mashhad Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence upheld by the Supreme Court
49. Malek Ali Fadaei Nasab

  • Prison: Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad
  • Main Charge: Baghi through membership in a Salafi group
  • Court: Branch 4, Mashhad Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Death sentence upheld by the Supreme Court
Malek Ali Fadaei Nasab (a Shia Muslim), Isa Eidmohammadi, Farhad Shakeri, Abdolhakim Azim Gorgij, Abdolrahman Gorgij, Taj Mohammad Khormal (Sunni Muslims), and others were arrested in 2015 by the Intelligence Ministry. They were transferred to Vakilabad Prison in Mashhad a year later. In 2019, Branch 1 of the Mashhad Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Mahmoud Davoodabadi, sentenced several of them to death for “Baghi through membership in the Salafi group Al-Furqan and the National Solidarity Front of Sunni Muslims in Iran.”

In December 31, 2020, the death sentences for Hamid Rast Bala, Kabir Saadat Jahani, and Mohammad Ali Arayesh were carried out. The Supreme Court later overturned the sentences of six others and referred the cases for retrial. In August 2023, Branch 4 of the Mashhad Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Ahmadian Salami, resentenced them to death. The Supreme Court upheld the death sentences in August 2024.


50. Malek Davarshenas (Seyed Malek Mousavi)

  • Prison: Sheiban Prison, Ahvaz
  • Main Charge: Baghi through setting fire to a Basij base
  • Court: Branch 2, Dezful Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
Malek Davarshenas (Seyed Malek Mousavi) was arrested in May 2021 along with another individual by security forces. Following interrogations, Branch 2 of Dezful Revolutionary Court sentenced Davarshenas to death for “Baghi,” while the co-defendant was sentenced to 10 years in prison for “participation in disrupting order.” The charges against Davarshenas include “attacking and setting fire to the Shavoor Basij Resistance Base.”


51. Ali Obeidavi

  • Prison: Mahshahr Prison
  • Main Charge: Attack on a Basij base
  • Court: Mahshahr Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
Ali Obeidavi was arrested in 2019 along with his brother, Hossein Obeidavi, on charges of “attacking a Basij base.” After four years, the Mahshahr Revolutionary Court sentenced Ali to death and his brother to 13 years in prison.


52. Saman Mohammadi Kheyareh

  • Prison: Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj
  • Main Charge: Moharebeh (waging war against God)
  • Court: Branch 15, Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
Saman Mohammadi Kheyareh, a 34-year-old from Sanandaj, was arrested in February 2010 on charges of Moharebeh. A few months later, he was sentenced to death by Branch 15 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Abolghasem Salavati. Due to insufficient evidence, the Supreme Court overturned the sentence, and the case was referred for retrial, resulting in a 15-year prison sentence for membership in opposition groups. However, under pressure from security agencies, the previous ruling was annulled, and he was again sentenced to death on the same charges.


53. Mohammad Amin Mahdavi Shayesteh

  • Prison: Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj
  • Main Charge: Collaboration with a hostile government
  • Court: Branch 15, Tehran Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
Mohammad Amin Mahdavi Shayesteh, 26, was arrested in the fall of the previous year and sentenced to death by Branch 15 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Abolghasem Salavati, for alleged collaboration with Israel. His appeal is currently pending in the Supreme Court


54. Abbas (Mojahed) Korkor (Korkouri)

  • Prison: Sheiban Prison, Ahvaz
  • Main Charge: Moharebeh
  • Court: Ahvaz Revolutionary Court
  • Case Status: Initial death sentence issued
Mojahed Korkouri was sentenced to death in April 2023 for “Moharebeh through armed action, corruption on earth by shooting with a military weapon, causing the death of seven people, and forming a Baghi group.” The Supreme Court overturned this ruling in the fall of the same year, and the case was sent for retrial. After the retrial in the Ahvaz Revolutionary Court, he was once again sentenced to death.


This report highlights the widespread violations of human rights and justice in Iran. Many of the individuals sentenced to death are accused of political offenses such as “Baghi” and “Moharebeh,” while some were engaged in non-violent activities or were arrested solely for political or ideological reasons. Many have been denied fair trials, including access to independent legal representation and transparent judicial processes.

The death penalty, as a form of punishment, stands in complete contradiction to the fundamental right to life and universal principles of human rights. Its use, particularly against political prisoners, is often accompanied by blatant violations of defendants’ rights, including forced confessions obtained under torture, denial of fair trials, and its application as a tool to suppress dissenting views and activities. Such actions not only violate human dignity but also lack any moral or legal justification under human rights principles and must be halted immediately.

It is worth noting that the crisis of executions extends beyond political and security prisoners. According to the annual statistics of the Human Rights Activists News Agency, at least 930 prisoners, including 5 juvenile offenders, were executed in Iran between January 1, 2024, and December 31, 2024. This represents an increase of approximately 24.6% compared to the same period in the previous year. Among these, 4 executions were carried out publicly, 214 individuals were sentenced to death, and the Supreme Court upheld 54 other initial death sentences during the same period.

This report reveals that many individuals are sentenced to death not for committing violent crimes but for engaging in civic, political, or ideological activities. This raises serious concerns about the use of the death penalty as a tool to suppress political and ideological dissent.

The international community, human rights organizations, and the public must actively monitor these cases and apply pressure on the Iranian government to prevent the unjust execution of these sentences.

Blue Blazer: Examining Political-Security Prisoners Facing Death Sentences on the Anniversary of Iran’s Revolution

HRANA News Agency – In February 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini, traveling in a blue Blazer to Behesht Zahra in Tehran, delivered his famous speech. In his speech, he made numerous promises regarding the economy, justice, and political freedoms. Forty-five years after the 1979 Revolution and that famous speech, and the promises therein,  the realization of fundamental political freedoms and social justice in Iran, are still far from reality. The proof lies in the numerous death sentences and numerous international condemnations regarding the situation of human rights within the country.

This report, published on the anniversary of the 1979 Revolution, presents a comprehensive list of political and security prisoners sentenced to death, their latest status a symbol of the empty promises made that day.

The execution crisis in Iran goes far beyond the population of political prisoners. HRANA recently published a report on a decade of executions in Iran (from 2013 to 2023), presenting statistics on the execution of 4,829 citizens over a decade. However, political and security prisoners, as symbols of dissatisfaction and protest, are followed with more sensitivity by public opinion despite constituting a small percentage of this number.

HRANA, has prepared a list of political and security prisoners sentenced to death in Iran on the occasion of the anniversary of the 1979 Revolution, as a symbol of the revolution’s empty promises of establishing a justice-based system and improving human rights conditions.

According to the latest reviews by HRANA, there are currently at least 35 prisoners with political or security charges in various parts of the country sentenced to death.

This report introduces and reviews the latest status of Abbas (Mojahed) KoorKoori, Reza Rassayi, Anvar Khezri, Kamran Sheikhe, Khosro Besharat, Farshid Hassan Zehi, Mansour Dehmardeh, Jamshid Sharmahd, Mohammad Zeynoddini, Adham Naroui, Mohammad Javad Vafaie Thani, Abbas Deris, Ahmadreza Jalali, Yousef Ahmadi, Mansour Rasouli, Naib Askari, Mehran Bahramian, Fazl Bahramian, Ali Majdam, Mohammadreza Moghadam, Moein Khanfari, Habib Deris, Adnan Ghabishawi, Salem Mousavi, Farhad Shakeri, Eisa EidMohammadi, Abdolrahman Gorgij, Abdolhakim Azim Gorgij, Taj Mohammad Khormali, Malek Ali Fadaei Nasab, Amir Rahim Pour, Malek Davarshan and Ali Obeidavi.

These death row inmates, charged with political and security offenses, are imprisoned in Shiban Ahvaz, Diesel Abad Kermanshah, Ghezel Hesar Karaj, Zahedan, Vakil Abad Mashhad, Mahshahr, Evin, Sanandaj, Urmia, and Dastgerd Isfahan prisons.

Branch 28 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Mohammad Moghiseh, Branch 4 of the Mashhad Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Ahmadian Salami, and the Ahvaz Revolutionary Court, with the issuance of death sentences for a total of 16 defendants in four separate cases, have played the most significant role in issuing death sentences for political and security defendants.

Charges leading to the issuance of death sentences for these individuals include Moharebeh (waging war against God), Ifsad fil-Arz (corruption on Earth), Baghy (rebellion), and espionage.

In the following list, names and key details about the latest status of the 35 prisoners sentenced to death on political and security charges are provided:


1- Abbas (Mojahed) KoorKoori
Prison Location: Shiban Prison, Ahvaz
Prominent Charges: Moharebeh (waging war against God) through bearing arms, Ifsad fil-Arz (corruption on Earth) through shooting with a military weapon, causing significant bodily harm resulting in the death of seven people, and forming a rebel group
Issuing Court: Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court in Ahvaz
Latest Case Status: The death sentence confirmed by the Supreme Court and the case referred to the execution branch of the court in Izeh

⬆️ The Judiciary Media Center claims that Abbas (Mojahed) KoorKoori, a prisoner incarcerated in Shiban Prison, Ahvaz, is accused of murdering Kian Pirfalak, a child who died during the nationwide protests in 2021. Despite these claims, Pirfalak’s family, including Zeynab Molaee Rad, the child’s mother, has repeatedly denied this accusation, stating that their child was killed due to gunfire by forces affiliated with the government.

2- Reza Rassayi
Prison Location: Diesel Abad Prison, Kermanshah
Prominent Charges: Direct involvement in the premeditated murder of Nader Birami, the head of the IRGC intelligence in Sahneh city
Issuing Court: Branch 2 of the Criminal Court of Kermanshah
Latest Case Status: The death sentence confirmed by the Supreme Court, the request for a retrial rejected by the Supreme Court, and the case referred to the execution branch of the criminal court in Kermanshah
⬆️ Reza Rassayi, a 35-year-old adherent of the Yarsan faith, was arrested by the intelligence officers in Shahr-e Rey, Tehran, on November 24, 2022, and then transferred to Diesel Abad Prison in Kermanshah. His arrest followed the death of Nader Birami, the head of the IRGC intelligence in Sahneh city, during a commemoration ceremony for the 21st death anniversary of Seyed Khalil Alinejad, one of the former leaders of the Yarsan community.
3- Anvar Khezri
Prison Location: Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj
Prominent Charges: Moharebeh through membership in one of the “Salafi groups” and participation in the assassination of a cleric close to the government named “Abdolrahim Tina”
Issuing Court: Branch 28 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court presided over by Judge Mohammad Moghiseh
Latest Case Status: The death sentence confirmed by the Supreme Court
4- Kamran Sheikhe
Prison Location: Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj
Prominent Charges: Moharebeh through membership in one of the “Salafi groups” and participation in the assassination of a cleric close to the government named “Abdolrahim Tina”
Issuing Court: Branch 28 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court presided over by Judge Mohammad Moghiseh
Latest Case Status: The death sentence confirmed by the Supreme Court
5- Khosro Besharat
Prison Location: Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj
Prominent Charges: Moharebeh through membership in one of the “Salafi groups” and participation in the assassination of a cleric close to the government named “Abdolrahim Tina”
Issuing Court: Branch 28 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court presided over by Judge Mohammad Moghiseh
Latest Case Status: The death sentence confirmed by the Supreme Court

⬆️ Anvar Khezri, Kamran Sheikhe, and Khosro Besharat, three Sunni Muslim prisoners incarcerated in Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj, were arrested in 2009 along with Qasem Abesteh, Ayoub Karimi, Davoud Abdollahi, and Farhad Salimi in a joint case for the suspected murder of Mamousta “Abdolrahim Tina” in October 2008, who had been killed by unidentified individuals.
Branch 28 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Mohammad Moghiseh, sentenced these individuals to death in March 2016. After the sentence was overturned by the Supreme Court for further review, it was referred back to Branch 15 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court. Ultimately, Judge Abolqasem Salavati reissued the death sentences for these individuals.
Eventually, Branch 41 of the Supreme Court confirmed these sentences in February 2020. Among them, the execution sentences of Qasem Abesteh, Ayoub Karimi, Davoud Abdollahi, and Farhad Salimi were carried out in Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj, on November 5, November 29, December 3, 2022, and January 24, 2023, respectively. Now, the other three defendants in the case are on death row in Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj.

6- Farshid Hassan Zehi
Prison Location: Ward 9, Zahedan Prison
Prominent Charges: Shooting at a vehicle near the Cheshmeh Ziarat village checkpoint in Zahedan, murdering the soldier Behzad Barahoui, and injuring First Lieutenant Mehdi Hashem Zehi, a law enforcement officer
Issuing Court: Branch 1 of the Criminal Court of Zahedan
Latest Case Status: Issuance of the death sentence and referral of the case to Branch 32 of the Supreme Court

⬆️ Farshid Hassan Zehi, 26 years old and son of Hanif, was arrested by security forces in the village of Cheshmeh Ziarat, Zahedan, on November 24, 2022, on charges of “shooting at a vehicle near the Cheshmeh Ziarat village checkpoint.” He is currently detained in Ward 9 of Zahedan Prison. The court session that led to his death sentence was held online without the presence of his defense lawyer.

7- Mansour Dehmardeh
Prison Location: Ward 9, Zahedan Prison
Prominent Charges: Corruption on Earth (Ifsad fil-Arz)
Issuing Court: Branch 2 of the Criminal Court of Shahid Nouri in Zahedan
Latest Case Status: Issuance of the death sentence
⬆️ Mansour Dehmardeh, born in 2000, son of Amanullah, with physical disabilities and unmarried, was arrested during the nationwide protests in Zahedan on October 3, 2021, and transferred to the city’s prison. In December of the previous year, he was initially sentenced to death by Branch 2 of the Criminal Court of Shahid Nouri in Zahedan on charges of “Corruption on Earth.” Despite his poor physical condition, he has been denied appropriate medical care in Zahedan Prison.
8- Jamshid Sharmahd
Prison Location: Unknown
Prominent Charges: Corruption on Earth (Ifsad fil-Arz) through leading an opposition group, planning and directing a bombing in Shiraz’s Hosseiniyeh
Issuing Court: Branch 15 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court
Latest Case Status: The death sentence confirmed by the Supreme Court
⬆️ The Ministry of Intelligence announced in August 2020 the arrest of Jamshid Sharmahd, an Iranian-German dual citizen born in 1955. The court sessions reviewing Mr. Sharmahd’s charges, held from February 7, 2022, to August 23, 2022, by Branch 15 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court presided by Judge Abolqasem Salavati, ultimately led to his death sentence in early March 2022 for “Corruption on Earth through planning and directing terrorist acts.” Masoud Setayeshi, the judiciary spokesperson, announced the confirmation of his death sentence by the Supreme Court on April 26, 2023. Ghazaleh Sharmahd, his daughter, previously stated that the family’s chosen lawyer was not allowed access to his case file, and her father has been forced to sign documents while being held in solitary confinement.
9- Mohammad Zeynoddini
Prison Location: Ward 9, Zahedan Prison
Prominent Charges: Moharebeh (waging war against God) through armed action related to the killing of three security forces
Issuing Court: Branch 1 of the Criminal Court of Zahedan
Latest Case Status: The death sentence confirmed by the Supreme Court
10- Adham Naroui
Prison Location: Ward 9, Zahedan Prison
Prominent Charges: Moharebeh (waging war against God) through armed action related to the killing of three security forces
Issuing Court: Branch 1 of the Criminal Court of Zahedan
Latest Case Status: The death sentence confirmed by the Supreme Court
⬆️Mohammad Zeynoddini and Adham Naroui were arrested by security forces in Lashar, a city in Sib and Suran County, in October 2020 and May 2021, respectively. Their case was later referred from Branch 6 of the Zahedan Prosecutor’s Office to Branch 1 of the Criminal Court of the province concerning the killing of three security forces. Eventually, these political prisoners were sentenced to death by Branch 1 of the Criminal Court of Zahedan in late 2022 for “Moharebeh through armed action.” This sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court on November 20, 2023.
11- Mohammad Javad Vafaie Thani
Prison Location: Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad
Prominent Charges: Corruption on Earth (Ifsad fil-Arz) through arson and deliberate destruction of specific places
Issuing Court: Branch 2 of the Revolutionary Court of Mashhad
Latest Case Status: The case is currently being reviewed by Branch 9 of the Supreme Court

⬆️Seyed Mohammad Javad Vafaie Thani, a 28-year-old boxing coach, was arrested by security forces in Mashhad in March 2020 and transferred to Vakilabad Prison in Mashhad. This political prisoner was sentenced to death in December 2021 by Branch 4 of the Revolutionary Court of Mashhad for charges of “Corruption on Earth through arson and deliberate destruction of specific places, including the government’s Tazirat organization building.” The sentence was later overturned by one of the branches of the Supreme Court, and the case was referred to a parallel branch. Eventually, in early August 2023, after a retrial, Mr. Vafaie Thani was sentenced to death by Branch 2 of the Revolutionary Court of Mashhad. Babak Pak Nia, the defense lawyer for this political prisoner, recently stated: “The case of Mohammad Javad Vafaie Thani is being reviewed by Branch 9 of the Supreme Court, and as of the latest follow-up, no decision has been made regarding the annulment or confirmation of the initial verdict.”

12- Abbas Deris
Prison Location: Mahshahr Prison
Prominent Charges: Moharebeh (waging war against God)
Issuing Court: Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court of Mahshahr
Latest Case Status: The death sentence confirmed by the Supreme Court and the request for retrial rejected by this judicial authority
⬆️Abbas Deris was arrested along with his brother Mohsen on December 8, 2019, by the intelligence agents of Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas headquarters. Mr. Deris was sentenced to death by Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court of Mahshahr in late October 2021 for the charge of Moharebeh. This verdict was confirmed by Branch 39 of the Supreme Court in mid-July 2023. After filing a request for retrial in Branch 9 of the Supreme Court in August, an order was issued to halt the execution. Ultimately, the request for a retrial for Abbas Deris’s case was rejected by the Supreme Court in February 2024. Fereshteh Tabanian, a judiciary lawyer, stated: “We requested the application of Article 477, which is under review.” In another part of his case, Abbas Deris was sentenced by Branch 3 of the Criminal Court of Khuzestan Province for charges of premeditated murder and possession of a weapon to fourteen years in prison. Born in 1973 and a father of three, Deris, while admitting to participating in the protest gatherings on November 17, 2019, in Chamran town, has denied any involvement in burning tires and blocking roads in Chamran town.
13- Ahmadreza Jalali
Prison Location: Evin Prison
Prominent Charges: Espionage
Issuing Court: Unknown
Latest Case Status: The death sentence confirmed by the Supreme Court
⬆️Ahmadreza Jalali, a university professor and a political prisoner with dual nationality, was arrested by security forces during a trip to Iran after being invited by Tehran University in May 2016. He was eventually sentenced to death by a court for charges of espionage. This sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court in December 2017. Zabihollah Khodaeian, the former judiciary spokesperson, announced in a press conference on May 10, 2021, that the death sentence for Ahmadreza Jalali, a dual-nationality prisoner, is final. The Iranian government has a documented history of using the charge of espionage as a tool against political opponents. Under no circumstances does espionage amount to the most serious crime as required under international law and as such it must never amount to the death penalty– any deprivation of life resulting from such charges is a grave violation of human rights.
14- Yousef Ahmadi
Prison Location: Sanandaj Prison
Prominent Charges: Rebellion (Baghy)
Issuing Court: Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court of Sanandaj
Latest Case Status: The death sentence confirmed by the Supreme Court
⬆️Yousef Ahmadi, along with Mohammad Karimi, Basat Karimi, and Mohammad Faizi, was arrested in a joint case in early May 2020 on suspicion of “cooperation with one of the opposition Kurdish parties” by security forces. Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court of Sanandaj, presided over by Judge Saeedi, sentenced Yousef Ahmadi in September 2023 for the charge of rebellion to death, and Mohammad Karimi, Basat Karimi, and Mohammad Faizi were respectively sentenced to twenty-five years, twenty years, and twenty years in prison for complicity in rebellion. The death sentence for Yousef Ahmadi was confirmed by Branch 39 of the Supreme Court in February 2024.
15- Mansour Rasouli
Prison Location: Urmia Prison
Prominent Charges: Espionage
Issuing Court: Revolutionary Court
Latest Case Status: The death sentence confirmed by the Supreme Court

⬆️Mansour Rasouli, along with Aran Omari, Rahman Parhazeh, Vafa Henareh, and Nasim Namazi, and five other defendants were arrested by security forces in November 2021. Ultimately, Mr. Rasouli, Omari, Parhazeh, Henareh, and Namazi were sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court for charges of Moharebeh (waging war against God) and Corruption on Earth (Ifsad fil-Arz) through cooperation with Israeli intelligence to disrupt the country’s security. The other five defendants of this case, namely Kamran Henareh, Fakhroddin Dodkanlu Milan, Ashkan Osman Nejad, Hassan Omarpour, and Amir Moshtagh Gangchin, were each sentenced by the Revolutionary Court to ten years in prison and are currently serving their sentences in the political ward of Urmia Prison. Among the five prisoners sentenced to death, the sentences of Aran Omari, Rahman Parhazeh, Vafa Henareh, and Nasim Namazi were executed in Urmia Prison on December 29, 2022. Mansour Rasouli, one of the defendants in this case, returned to the general ward of the prison following a halt in the execution, which is said to be due to legal developments in his case. The Iranian government has a documented history of using the charge of espionage as a tool against political opponents. Under no circumstances does espionage amount to the most serious crime as required under international law and as such it must never amount to the death penalty– any deprivation of life resulting from such charges is a grave violation of human rights.

16- Naib Askari
Prison Location: Urmia Prison
Prominent Charges: Rebellion (Baghy)
Issuing Court: Branch 2 of the Revolutionary Court of Urmia
Latest Case Status: Re-issuance of the death sentence

⬆️Naib Askari was arrested by intelligence agents of the IRGC in Urmia on March 27, 2021. Mr. Askari was initially sentenced to death in absentia by Branch 2 of the Revolutionary Court of Urmia on April 15, 2023, for the charge of Moharebeh. After accepting his request for an appeal, the same branch, after several court sessions, changed his charge from Moharebeh to Baghy and re-sentenced him to death in late October 2023. Notably, the court sessions for Mr. Askari were held without the presence of his defense lawyer. His affiliation with one of the opposition Kurdish parties has been cited as a basis for his charges in this case.

17- Mehran Bahramian
Prison Location: Dastgerd Prison, Isfahan
Prominent Charges: Murder of a Special Unit officer
Issuing Court: Branch 22 of the Criminal Court of Isfahan
Latest Case Status: Issuance of the death sentence
18- Fazl Bahramian
Prison Location: Dastgerd Prison, Isfahan
Prominent Charges: Murder of a Special Unit officer
Issuing Court: Branch 22 of the Criminal Court of Isfahan
Latest Case Status: Issuance of the death sentence
⬆️Fazl Bahramian, Mehran Bahramian, Dariush Saedi, and Younes Bahramian were arrested on January 1, 2023, after participating in the fortieth-day memorial service for several victims of the protests, including Ali Abbasi, Morad Bahramian, Muslim Houshangi, and someone with the surname Asafi, under a joint case and were later transferred to Dastgerd Prison in Isfahan. Eventually, Fazl Bahramian and Mehran Bahramian were sentenced to death by Branch 22 of the Criminal Court of Isfahan, presided over by Judge Hemati, for the charge of “murdering Mohsen Rezaei, a Special Unit officer.” Dariush Saedi and Younes Bahramian, other defendants in this case, were each sentenced to sixteen years in prison for complicity in the murder of the said officer. The cases of these defendants are currently under review in the Supreme Court.
19- Ali Majdam
Prison Location: Shiban Prison, Ahvaz
Prominent Charges: Leadership and membership in a rebel group
Issuing Court: Revolutionary Court of Ahvaz
Latest Case Status: The death sentence is currently under review by the Supreme Court
20- Mohammadreza Moghadam
Prison Location: Shiban Prison, Ahvaz
Prominent Charges: Leadership and membership in a rebel group
Issuing Court: Revolutionary Court of Ahvaz
Latest Case Status: The death sentence is currently under review by the Supreme Court
21- Moein Khanfari
Prison Location: Shiban Prison, Ahvaz
Prominent Charges: Membership in a rebel group
Issuing Court: Revolutionary Court of Ahvaz
Latest Case Status: The death sentence is currently under review by the Supreme Court
22- Habib Deris
Prison Location: Shiban Prison, Ahvaz
Prominent Charges: Membership in a rebel group
Issuing Court: Revolutionary Court of Ahvaz
Latest Case Status: The death sentence is currently under review by the Supreme Court
23- Adnan Ghabishawi
Prison Location: Shiban Prison, Ahvaz
Prominent Charges: Membership in a rebel group
Issuing Court: Revolutionary Court of Ahvaz
Latest Case Status: The death sentence is currently under review by the Supreme Court
24- Salem Mousavi
Prison Location: Shiban Prison, Ahvaz
Prominent Charges: Membership in a rebel group
Issuing Court: Revolutionary Court of Ahvaz
Latest Case Status: The death sentence is currently under review by the Supreme Court

⬆️Ali Majdam, Mohammadreza Moghadam, Moein Khanfari, Habib Deris, Adnan Ghabishawi, and Salem Mousavi, six security defendants, were arrested by security forces in Khuzestan in mid-February 2019. Eventually, in March 2023, Ali Majdam and Mohammadreza Moghadam were sentenced to death for leadership and membership in the “military branch of the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz” for armed confrontation against the foundation of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Moein Khanfari, Habib Deris, Adnan Ghabishawi, and Salem Mousavi were sentenced to death for membership in the mentioned group, also for armed confrontation against the foundation of the Islamic Republic of Iran, by the Revolutionary Court of Ahvaz, and the verdicts were confirmed by the Supreme Court.

25- Farhad Shakeri
Prison Location: Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad
Prominent Charges: Rebellion (Baghy) through membership in a Salafi group
Issuing Court: Branch 4 of the Revolutionary Court of Mashhad
Latest Case Status: The death sentence is currently under review by the Supreme Court
26- Eisa EidMohammadi
Prison Location: Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad
Prominent Charges: Rebellion (Baghy) through membership in a Salafi group
Issuing Court: Branch 4 of the Revolutionary Court of Mashhad
Latest Case Status: The death sentence is currently under review by the Supreme Court
27- Abdolrahman Gorgij
Prison Location: Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad
Prominent Charges: Rebellion (Baghy) through membership in a Salafi group
Issuing Court: Branch 4 of the Revolutionary Court of Mashhad
Latest Case Status: The death sentence is currently under review by the Supreme Court
28- Abdolhakim Azim Gorgij
Prison Location: Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad
Prominent Charges: Rebellion (Baghy) through membership in a Salafi group
Issuing Court: Branch 4 of the Revolutionary Court of Mashhad
Latest Case Status: The death sentence is currently under review by the Supreme Court
29- Taj Mohammad Khormali
Prison Location: Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad
Prominent Charges: Rebellion (Baghy) through membership in a Salafi group
Issuing Court: Branch 4 of the Revolutionary Court of Mashhad
Latest Case Status: The death sentence is currently under review by the Supreme Court
30- Malek Ali Fadaei Nasab
Prison Location: Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad
Prominent Charges: Rebellion (Baghy) through membership in a Salafi group
Issuing Court: Branch 4 of the Revolutionary Court of Mashhad
Latest Case Status: The death sentence is currently under review by the Supreme Court
⬆️Malek Ali Fadaei Nasab (a Shia citizen), Eisa EidMohammadi, Farhad Shakeri, Abdolhakim Azim Gorgij, Abdolrahman Gorgij, Abdolbaset Orsan, Mohammadreza Sheikh Ahmad, Morteza Fekoori, Hamid Rastbala, Kabir Saadat Jahani, Mohammad Ali Arayesh, and Taj Mohammad Khormali (Sunni citizens) were arrested in a joint case by the Intelligence Agency in 2015 and transferred to Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad, a year later. Eventually, in 2019, Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court of Mashhad, presided over by Judge Mahmoud Davoudabadi, sentenced Hamid Rastbala, Farhad Shakeri, Kabir Saadat Jahani, Mohammad Ali Arayesh, Eisa EidMohammadi, Hakim Azim Gorgij, Abdolrahman Gorgij, Taj Mohammad Khormali, and Malek Ali Fadaei Nasab to death for charges of “Rebellion (Baghy) through membership in the Salafi group Al-Furqan Party and membership in the National Solidarity Front of Iran’s Sunnis.” Mohammadreza Sheikh Ahmad, Abdolbaset Orsan, and Morteza Fekoori were sentenced to 15 years in prison each for “Rebellion (Baghy) through membership in the Takfiri and Salafi group ISIS.” The execution sentences for Hamid Rastbala, Kabir Saadat Jahani, and Mohammad Ali Arayesh were carried out in Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad, in 2020. Later, the death sentences of the other six prisoners were overturned by Branch 41 of the Supreme Court, presided over by Judge Ali Razini, and the case was referred back for retrial. In early August 2023, Branch 4 of the Revolutionary Court of Mashhad, presided over by Judge Ahmad Salami, after a retrial, sentenced these prisoners to death again. The case of these prisoners detained in Ward 6.1 of Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad, is currently under review by Branch 39 of the Supreme Court.
31- Amir Rahim Pour
Prison Location: Evin Prison
Prominent Charges: Cooperation with a hostile government (USA)
Issuing Court: Unknown
Latest Case Status: The death sentence confirmed by the Supreme Court
⬆️Gholamhossein Esmaili, the former judiciary spokesperson, announced on February 4, 2020, the confirmation of the death sentence for Amir Rahim Pour, a master’s graduate in electrical engineering, for “cooperation with a hostile government, the USA” by the Supreme Court. Esmaili claimed that “this individual, while in contact with the spy agency, had received substantial sums of money as remuneration and attempted to provide a part of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear information to the American service.” It’s important to note that although combating espionage is not considered a violation of human rights, the Iranian government’s history of using this charge as a tool against political opponents and the issuance of death sentences, especially with unclear trial details and proceedings, are always viewed with skepticism.
32 – Malek Davarshan (Seyed Malek Mousavi)
Prison Location: Shiban Prison, Ahvaz
Prominent Charges: Rebellion (Baghy) through setting fire to a Basij base
Issuing Court: Branch 2 of the Revolutionary Court of Dezful
Latest Case Status: Issuance of the death sentence
⬆️Malek Davarshan (Seyed Malek Mousavi) was arrested in May 2021 along with a friend named Abbas Khazraji by security forces. After interrogations, Branch 2 of the Revolutionary Court of Dezful sentenced Mr. Davarshan to death for the charge of “Rebellion” and Mr. Khazraji to ten years in prison for “participation in disturbing public order.” The “attack and setting fire to the Basij Resistance Post of Shavur” was cited as one of the charges against Mr. Davarshan.
33- Ali Obeidavi
Prison Location: Mahshahr Prison
Prominent Charges: Attack on a Basij base
Issuing Court: Revolutionary Court of Mahshahr
Latest Case Status: Issuance of the death sentence
⬆️Ali Obeidavi was arrested in 2019 along with his brother, Hossein Obeidavi, by security forces with the charge of “attack on a Basij base.” After four years, the Revolutionary Court of Mahshahr sentenced Ali Obeidavi to death and his brother to thirteen years in prison.
34- Shahab Nadali Jozani
Prison Location: Evin Prison
Prominent Charges: Rebellion (Baghy) through membership in opposition group
Issuing Court: Tehran Revolutionary Court
Latest Case Status: Issuance of the death sentence
⬆️Shahab Nadali Jozani was arrested by the agents of the Intelligence Department in Hamedan on June 7, 2023. He was sentenced by Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Iman Afshari, to death for the charge of “rebellion through membership in opposition groups of the country (Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization)” and to five years of imprisonment for “assembly and collusion with the intent to commit a crime against the security of the country,” taking into account the time already served in detention.
35- Mohammad Khazrnejad
Prison Location: Urmia Prison
Prominent Charges: Corruption on Earth
Issuing Court: Branch 3 of the Urmia Revolutionary Court
Latest Case Status: Issuance of the death sentence
⬆️Mohammad Khazrnejad was arrested by security forces in Bukan on November 19, 2022, and subsequently transferred to Urmia Prison. He has recently been sentenced by Branch 3 of the Urmia Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Reza Najafzadeh, to execution and 16 years in prison for charges of corruption on Earth, acting against national security by damaging the country’s integrity or independence, and propaganda against the regime.

It is important to emphasize that the execution crisis in Iran extends far beyond the population of political prisoners. Spreading Justice (HRA’s database of human rights violators) recently published a report based on data from its statistics unit covering a decade of executions in Iran (from 2013 to 2023), documenting the execution of 4,829 citizens over this period. For more details on this report, please refer to the provided link.


*Update: This report was first published on February 9, 2024, listing the identities of 33 political-security prisoners sentenced to death. Following the issuance of the death penalty for Shahab Nadali Jozani and Mohammad Khazrnejad on February 10, their identities were added to the report as the thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth persons.

For more information please contact Skylar Thompson, Director of Global Advocacy and Accountability at Human Rights Activists in Iran (HRA) skylar[at]

Supreme Court Upholds Death Sentence for Yousef Ahmadi

Branch 39 of the Supreme Court in Iran has confirmed the death sentence for political prisoner Yousef Ahmadi, according to Kurdpa.

Currently incarcerated in Sanandaj Prison, Ahmadi was initially condemned for Baghi (armed rebellion) by the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court, presiding over by Judge Saeed, in September 2023.

In the same legal proceeding, co-defendants Mohammad Karimi, Baset Karimi, and Mohammad Feyzi were handed prison sentences of 25, 20, and 20 years, respectively. These individuals were first apprehended by security forces in April 2020 and later transferred to Sanandaj Prison after the completion of the interrogation process at a security detention facility.

One of Kurdpa’s sources revealed that collaboration with a Kurdish opposition party was cited during the trial as an example supporting this charge. However, specific details regarding their case and the actions underlying the charges remain undisclosed.

Death Sentence and Lengthy Imprisonment for Four Baneh Residents

Yousef Ahmadi has been sentenced to death by the Sanandaj Revolutionary Court for his involvement in armed rebellion (Baghi). In the same legal case, other defendants, Mohammad Karimi, Baset Karimi, and Mohammad Feyzi, have received prison sentences of 25, 20, and 20 years, respectively.

According to reports from Kurdpa, Judge Saeedi presided over the proceedings against these residents of Baneh. During the trial, evidence of their alleged collaboration with a political opposition party in Kurdistan was presented as the basis for the charges, as shared by a Kurdpa staff member with HRANA.

These individuals were initially apprehended by security forces in April 2020 and subsequently transferred to Sanandaj prison after the conclusion of the interrogation process at a security detention facility. Despite these developments, specific details pertaining to their case and the actions underlying the charges remain undisclosed.

A Daily Overview of Human Rights Violations in Iran for January 28, 2019

The following is an overview of human rights violations in Iran on January 28th, 2019 based on the information compiled and verified by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA).

(1) More than six protests were organized across the country. Several residents of Khash in Sistan and Balouchestan province, the customers of SAIPA and IranKhodro in Tehran, the municipality workers in Borujerd, the students of Farhanigian University in Tehran, bus drivers in Mashhad, and the workers of Dashtestan Rural Water Association have held separate protests to request their demands.

(2) A Kulbar (Kurdish back carrier), Hossein Balkhkanlou Aghdam, was killed after the Iranian border patrol opened fire to a group of Kulbars near Maku. Moreover, a landmine explosion injured two Kulbars in Baneh.

(3) A Baha’i citizen, Neda Shabani, was released on bail. Shabani and Soroush Agahi have been arrested in Karaj on November 28, 2018. Baha’i is Iran’s largest non-Muslim minority and are systematically persecuted by the government.

(4) Ali Nejati, labor activist, was released on bail. The former leader of the Syndicate of Workers of Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane was arrested on November 29th, 2018. He was charged with “disrupting public order” and “propaganda against the state” through protesting.

(5) A person accused of murdering Saeed Parham, a park ranger in Shirvan, was sentenced to death after eight years.

(6) The court was in session for seven people, on the charge of “cooperation with a Kurdish opposition group” in Oshnavieh. They are identified as Koroush Azizi, Abubakr Minapak, Yousef Ahmadi, Kamel Ahmadi, Mohammad Amin Ghazi, Ayoub Bahramnejad, Tayeb Bamorovat.

(7) The workers of Parsefid abattoir in Amol, South Pars Petrochemical Industry, and HEPCO Company have at least three months of unpaid wages.

(8) A convict in the Golestan province received an alternate sentence for imprisonment. He is sentenced to plant a hundred trees in forest such as oak, maple, and hornbeam.

(9) Mehdi Gholian was released on bail. He was beaten and arrested because he asked for injunction from the security forces who raided his parents’ house to arrest his sister, Sepideh Gholian.

(10) A Baha’i citizen living in Yazd was arrested on January 28, 2019. Farzad Rouhani Manshadi, was sentenced along six other Baha’i citizens to three-year suspended prison term earlier in August 2018.

(11) In a bus rollover at the Bonab Islamic Azad University, six students were injured on January 28.

(12) An anti-addiction activist, Esmail Ebrahimi Viniche, was arrested for an unknown reason on January 16 and has been detained in Isfahan’s Dasgerd prison. He works in an addiction recovery center in Isfahan.

(13) Mostafa Mostafavi was transferred to Urmia prison after 27 days of being held in solitary confinement and interrogation in the Intelligence Office detention center.

(14) Baktash Abtin, a writer and member of the Iranian Writers Association, was released on bail. He was arrested along with two other writers, Keyvan Bazhan and Reza Khandan Mehrabadi on January 22 on the charge of “encouraging immorality or prostitution”.

(15) Two workers died and two others were injured in Tehran, Arak, and Dezful because of negligence in the oversight of safety conditions in their workplaces. Iran ranked 102 in the workplace safety among other countries.

(16) Amir Nosratkhah was executed in the Zanjan prison on the charge of murder. Moreover, three prisoners accused of murder, were spared from hanging on gallows by consent of next of kin in Zanjan and Sirvan.

(17) Razgar Mohammadi, Yousef Rasouli, Adel Bakhshvari, and Mousa Esmaili were arrested in Piranshahr on the charge of “cooperation with a Kurdish opposition group”. Their whereabouts are still unknown.

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