Ayatollah Nekounam Sent to Furlough

HRANA News Agency – Ayatollah Nekounam, critic clergy who is ill, was sent to medical furlough from Salehi prison in Qom.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Ayatollah Mohammadreza Nekounam was sent to furlough, following the approval of special clergy court on Saturday March 18. Continue reading “Ayatollah Nekounam Sent to Furlough”

“I Have Been Tortured”: Ayatollah Nekounam

HRANA News Agency – Ayatollah Mohammadreza Nekounam, imprisoned cleric, has described his Sharia and legal rights violations in different stages of judicial ladder in a lawsuit. He mentioned the torture and pressure for confessions. This instructor of Madrasa, also registered a lawsuit against Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, who is considered to be one of the main advocators of his arrest.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Ayatollah Mohammadreza Nakoonam, critic cleric who was arrested by the intelligence in 2014, after criticizing some of the clergies about issuing a Fatwa to ban high speed internet. Continue reading ““I Have Been Tortured”: Ayatollah Nekounam”

Pressures on Ayatollah Mohammadreza Nekounam Continue Despite Being Released

HRANA News Agency – Security forces monitor the traffic to Ayatollah Mohammadreza Nekounam’s house after he was released and limit his contacts.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Ayatollah Mohammadreza Nekounam, seminary professor who was released from the coastal prison of Qom on June 23 is under the pressure and people who want to visit him are set under restrictions. Continue reading “Pressures on Ayatollah Mohammadreza Nekounam Continue Despite Being Released”

Ayatollah Mohammadreza Nekounam Released from Qom Prison

HRANA News Agency – Ayatollah Mohammadreza Nekounam, imprisoned cleric was released from coastal prison of Qom on June 23. Various sources have declared the parole or the furlough as the reason of releasing him from the prison.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Ayatollah Mohammadreza Nekounam, seminary professor was released from the coastal prison of Qom on June 23. It is unclear that the releasing was due to furlough or parole. Continue reading “Ayatollah Mohammadreza Nekounam Released from Qom Prison”