6 Members of Erfan Halgheh Sued IRIB Over Publishing Disinformation

HRANA News Agency – Six members of Erfan Halgheh, attended the court of culture and media, and sued IRIB for broadcasting a documentary called “Ring of Satan” because of spreading lies.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), six members of Erfan Halgheh attended the fourth branch of the court of culture and the media, with their complaints under the title of; “spreading lies and disturbing public opinion by broadcasting a documentary, called; Halgheh Sheitan (Ring of Satan) and publishing materials including violating honour or dignity” against the IRIB. Continue reading “6 Members of Erfan Halgheh Sued IRIB Over Publishing Disinformation”

The Updated List of Political Prisoners in Women’s Ward of Evin Prison

HRANA News Agency – In women’s ward of Evin prison, there are many mothers along with other women who are being kept in a bad environment, phone call is not available and visits are very limited. The following report is trying to give an overview about the condition and status of 24 female political prisoners in this prison.

Currently 24 political prisoners are kept in women’s ward in Evin prison: Continue reading “The Updated List of Political Prisoners in Women’s Ward of Evin Prison”

A Group Of Erfan-e-Halgheh Activists Arrested In Tehran

HRANA News Agency – A group of supporters of Erfan-e-Halgheh, who had started hunger strike and protest in the tomb of the founder of Islamic Republic, in support of Mohammad Ali Taheri, were arrested and transferred to security police office of Shahr-e-Rey. Most of the arrestees were released on the highway, and ten people were transferred to Vozara detention centre for processing the case.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), approximately 100 supporters of Erfan-e-Halgheh, who intended to start a hunger strike in Imam Zadeh Saleh in support of Mohammad Ali Taheri and in protest to not releasing him, confronted with prevention of the security forces, so they started their protest in Khomaini’s tomb. Continue reading “A Group Of Erfan-e-Halgheh Activists Arrested In Tehran”