The Newest List of Political Prisoners in Women’s Ward of Evin Prison

HRANA News Agency – In women’s ward of Evin prison, known as Nesvan ward, there are many mothers along with other women who are kept in a bad environment, phone calls are not allowed and visits are very limited. This report is trying to give an overview about the condition and status of 24 female political-security prisoners in this prison.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), currently, 32 female prisoners are kept in this ward with different charges, two of whom have financial charges and 30 of them are political-security prisoners. The names of 30 prisoners who have been identified by HRANA are as following: Continue reading “The Newest List of Political Prisoners in Women’s Ward of Evin Prison”

The List of Women, Imprisoned on Charge of Muharebeh

HRANA News Agency – Prisoners who have been sentenced with the old penal code, now have a chance of retrial, reduction of sentence and even freedom. Currently, many prisoners, including at least 11 female prisoners have heavy sentences on the charge of Muharebeh. The following list, as the first list of “prisoners with Muharebeh charges”, is concentrated on these 11 female prisoners.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), at least 11 female prisoners with Muharebeh charges are held in different prisons across the country and are serving heavy sentences. According to the new penal code and by changing the section about Muharebeh, they could ask for retrial. Many of them may find reduction in their sentences, and for some, due to a long time that they have already served there is a chance of being released. Continue reading “The List of Women, Imprisoned on Charge of Muharebeh”

The Updated List of Political Prisoners in Women’s Ward of Evin Prison

HRANA News Agency – In women’s ward of Evin prison, there are many mothers along with other women who are being kept in a bad environment, phone call is not available and visits are very limited. The following report is trying to give an overview about the condition and status of 24 female political prisoners in this prison.

Currently 24 political prisoners are kept in women’s ward in Evin prison: Continue reading “The Updated List of Political Prisoners in Women’s Ward of Evin Prison”

The Latest List of the Political Prisoners in Women’s Section of Evin Prison

HRANA News Agency – The following list includes the political prisoners of women’s section of Evin Prison in Tehran. These prisoners have been sentenced in total to more than 190 years of imprisonment.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), there are 22 women in this section, 15 of whom are political and civil activists, 6 are from religious minorities and 1 of them is imprisoned on charge of espionage. Continue reading “The Latest List of the Political Prisoners in Women’s Section of Evin Prison”

The latest list of the political prisoners in the Evin prison

HRANA News Agency – There are more than 206 political prisoners in the 350 and women’s sections of the Evin prison. This includes both who have definite sentences and those who are under temporary arrest.
Although the section 350 is one of the public sections of the Evin prison, the prisoners there are prevented from their basic rights like telephone contact or meeting their families.
Here is the list of these 206 prisoners prepared by the Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA): Continue reading “The latest list of the political prisoners in the Evin prison”

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