HRANA News Agency – Execution verdict of three Kurds confirmed and enforcement verdicts’ section of Oroumiyeh prison received the verdicts which increased worries about their imminent execution.
Ibrahim Isapour, Semko Nezhavi and Saman Nasim are the three Kurds in Oroumiyeh prison who sentenced to death and after the confirmation by supreme court they’re in danger of imminent execution.
Ebrahim Isapour is from a village close by Sardasht was arrested on July 6th of 2012 by Etela’at agents. He was interrogated, threatened and tortured in one month and half detention in Mahabad Etela’at and been forced to do televised confession against his acts and PJAK. The interrogators were succeeded to get written confession from Ebrahim as he was cooperating with PJAK.
His confessions which taken by tortures are the only documents in his dossier. Also the Etela’at interrogators forced the judge of Mahabad revolutionary court to sentence Ibrahim to death and the issued verdict was confirmed by supreme court and sent back to enforcement verdicts’ section of Oroumiyeh prison.
Informations about Ibrahim trial process are not clear enough and still there is no news to confirm whether he had access to lawyer during the process or no.
Sirwan Nezhavi is the other accused of the same dossier who was arrested two days before Ibrahim Isapour in Karaj and transferred to Mahabad Etela’at. Sirwan was interrogated and physically tortured for too many hours who had no more option rather than giving written confession and confirming cooperation with PJAK.
Branch one of Mahabad revolutionary court sentenced Sirwan to death according to the report and suggestion of Etela’at agents, then the verdict confirmed by supreme court and sent back to enforcement verdicts’ section of Oroumiyeh prison.
Similar to Ibrahim, there is no news if Sirwan had access to lawyer during the process or no.
Saman Nasim is the third Kurdish prisoner who arrested in July 2012 in Western Azerbayejan -Sardasht- borders by security forces and after a lot of physical tortures in one of Mahabad Etela’at detention centers he forced to do televised confession and accuse PJAK in his confessions which released in Iranian regime T.V channels.
Saman was sentenced to death by Branch one of Mahabad revolutionary court according to the confessions and also claim of security forces as he participated in clashes against security forces on Sardasht border and his verdict confirmed by supreme court and sent back to enforcement verdicts’ section of Oroumiyeh prison.
The verdicts confirmation of these three Kurdish prisoners and being in danger of imminent execution increased worries among their families but the families threatened by security forces and did not give any interview to independent medias.
Translated by: Ramyar Hassani