Prison guards raiding ward 350 of Evin Prison

HRANA News Agency – 31 political prisoners were transferred to solitary confinement and their belongings were destroyed, some of them are in critical condition in solitary confinements.
“Ismael Barzegari’s ribs were broken, Soheil Babadi’s arm and neck were bruised, Soroush Sabet’s head was bleeding, Samko Khelghatis clothes were torn, Gholamreza Khosravi and Reza Akbari were severely injured, Asadollah Hadi faced heart problem because he had recently an open operation on his heart. And also Omid Behrouzian had severe bleeding because the vein of his hand was cut.” A source told HRANA.
Based on this report, guards destroyed the belongings of the prisoners, tear of the clothes, cut off the wires of electric equipments, and destroyed their foodstuffs, broke the dishes (of kitchen) and seized their writings.
The names of 31 political prisoners who were transferred to solitary confinement are:
Cell 1:
Gholamreza Khosravi, Majid Asadi, Asadollah Hadi, Reza Akbari Monfared, Javad Fouladvand, Mehrdad Ahankhah, Asadollah Asadi, Soheil Arabi, Amir Ghaziani, Mohammad Davari
Cell 3:
Saeed Matin Pour, Yashar Daroshafa, Mehdi Khodaie, Samko Khelghati, Saeed Haeri, Soheil Babadi, Soroush Sabet, Ali Asgari, Davar Hoseini Vojdan, Mohammad Sedigh Kaboudvand, Behnam Ebrahimzadeh
Cell 4:
Arash Hampay
Cell 7:
Behzad Arabgol
Cell 8:
Mostafa Abdi, Mohammad Shojaie, Omid Behrouzi
Cell 9:
Abdolfattah Soltani, Mostafa Rismanbaf, Mohammad Amin Hadavi, Houtan Dolati
Cell 10:
Ismael Barzegari

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