HRANA’s Daily Review of Protests in Iran

On Tuesday, August 23, 2022, at least two protests took place in Iran.

About 60 laid-off workers of the vegetable oil company Jahan gathered before this company and then the Governor-General’s office in Zanjan City. The Factory managers have laid off 60 out of 85 workers due to financial issues.

A number of the medical interns of Ahvaz University of Medical Sciences protested against the University officials’ mismanagement.


Two Workers Killed Due to Unsafe Workplace Conditions in Zanjan and Mahabad

On Saturday, November 27 and Sunday, November 28th,  two workers lost their lives in workplace accidents in Mahabad and Zanjan cities, respectively.

According to HRANA, the news agency of Human Rights Activists, quoting Rokna news, on Sunday, November 28,  a worker was killed in an explosion at a welding workshop in Zanjan City. Jafari Roohi, head of Zanjan’s Emergency Medical Center, commented on the incident.

“Two ambulances were dispatched to the spot. The injured man, 30 years old, had been killed right after the explosion,” Roohi said. He added that the victim died due to the explosion of a gas tank in a welding workshop.

In Mahabad, according to ILNA, a construction worker fell from the third floor of an under-construction building and lost his life.

“Today, a-31 year-old worker who was concreting a column construction fell from the third floor and died immediately,” the Mahabad Chief of Police commented.

Iran ranks 102nd in workplace safety among 189 countries.