23 political prisoners on one-day hunger strike

HRANA News Agency – At least 23 political and conscientious prisoners of Ghezelhesar, Rajaeishahr and Uremia prison went on hunger strike in a symbolic movement, in response to wave of executions, which has been coinciding since the new administration has come to power.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), this strike which is in response to political executions of Kurd and Baloch prisoners has started on Wednesday November 4th, on those three prisons. According to reports from Uremia prison intelligent service forces of Uremia transferred five prisoners with the names of 1) Ahmad Tamouyi 2) Yousef Kakeh Memi 3) Ali Ahmad Salimian 4)Mostafa Ali Ahmad 5) Jahangir Badoozadeh, who wanted to attend on this strike to an unknown location the day before. Continue reading “23 political prisoners on one-day hunger strike”

Shutting Down Political Prisoners’ Cell Block in Urmia

HRANA News Agency –Following the transfer of six political prisoners to solitary confinement in the Urmia Central Prison, Mehr Ali Farhang who is in charge of political prisoners’ cell block has announced that Ward 12 will be closed down soon.

In recent months, Mehr Ali Farhang has continued to abuse and threaten political prisoners.Lately, he has announced that Ward 12 which houses political prisoners will be closed, and all inmates will be transferred to different cell blocks in the general prison population.
According to threats made by Mehr Ali Farhang, thirty political prisoners locked up in Ward 12 are scheduled to be transferred to other cell blocks where ordinary prisoners convicted of drug related crimes are being kept.
Two political prisoners, Majid Dalaei Milan and Shafagh Dalaei Millan, have already been transferred to a cell block housing drug addicts.Additionally, Azar Jafari after being beaten and battered was moved together with another political prisoner to different wards in Urmia Central Prison.
According to another report, Habibullah Galiripour, Ali Ahmad Solaiman and Jahangir Badozadeh were finally returned to political prisoners ward after being locked up in isolation cells since December 6, 2011.