HRANA News Agency – Below is a list of over 70 political prisoners of Evin prison who have been arrested or convicted of charges such as “Collaboration with Enemy States” and “Espionage”.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), prisoners of conscious and security prisoners are classified based on nature of the charges against them, most of the security prisoners in Iran are tried based on article 501 (Espionage) and article 508 (Collaboration with Enemy States) of Islamic Penal Code Of Iran, due to the lack of transparency of the judicial system in such cases, and considering that in the past the judicial system has used the security charges as a way to confront and deal with its political opposition, and the lack of certainty and trust in a fair trial, the preparation and construction of this list is only based on the accusations and charges made by the official judiciary bodies against the imprisoned citizens, however the Human Right Activist Association of Iran cannot verify these accusations and charges considering the lack of transparency of judicial cases. Continue reading “The List Of Over 70 Political Prisoners In Evin Prison”
Tag: Mohammad Aghai
The latest list of the political prisoners in the Evin prison
HRANA News Agency – There are more than 206 political prisoners in the 350 and women’s sections of the Evin prison. This includes both who have definite sentences and those who are under temporary arrest.
Although the section 350 is one of the public sections of the Evin prison, the prisoners there are prevented from their basic rights like telephone contact or meeting their families.
Here is the list of these 206 prisoners prepared by the Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA): Continue reading “The latest list of the political prisoners in the Evin prison”