The List of Male Prisoners with the Charge of Muharebeh and Life-Time Sentence

HRANA News Agency – Prisoners who have been charged with Muharebeh according to the old Penal Code, would find the chance of a retrial, after the changes and may receive reduction in their sentences or be released. Currently there are tens of prisoners who have been sentenced to life-time prison on charge of Muharebeh, at least 26 of whom are the men. The following list is the second list of prisoners with the charge of Muharebeh.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), at least 26 male prisoners are sentenced to life-time prison on charge of Muharebeh in different prisons around the country. Due to the changes in the Islamic Penal Code in 2013, these prisoners may request for a retrial. Some might receive reduction in their sentences and some others who have served many years in prison may get released. Continue reading “The List of Male Prisoners with the Charge of Muharebeh and Life-Time Sentence”

A Report On The Situation Of Karoon Prison In Ahvaz

HRANA News Agency – The following report is on the situation of Karoon prison in Ahvaz, followed with a list of some of its prisoners of conscience, which is still being completed.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), Karoon prison is located in Sepidar area and hosts about 4500 inmates.  Continue reading “A Report On The Situation Of Karoon Prison In Ahvaz”

Lack of Medical Attention for the Arab Political Prisoners in Ahwaz

HRANA News Agency – The political and civil rights prisoners in Ahwaz are deprived of medical attention or medical furlough.
Karim Dahimi, the Iranian human rights activist, reported to HRANA news agency that “the political and civil rights prisoners in Ahwaz and other prisons of Iran are deprived from basic medical attention. The system doesn’t recognize any basic rights for these prisoners. The increasing number of prisoners and inadequate space has urged building of new prisons; however the problem of significantly large population of prisoners remains unresolved.” He added “despite the extremely hot weather of 50oC, the prisoners live in prisons with dramatically bad air conditioning system. Lack of cooling water system has forced the prisoners to use tap water, which has resulted in increasingly high number of patients with kidney stones. Diseases associated with digestive system and intestines are common problems largely related to inadequate drinking water.” He also indicated: “recently, the human rights activists in Ahwaz have been informed of a list of common diseases amongst the political Arab prisoners.  The authorities have limited or banned the prisoners’ access to medical treatment.” Continue reading “Lack of Medical Attention for the Arab Political Prisoners in Ahwaz”