The List of Prisoners Charged with Muharebeh and Sentenced to More than 20 Years

HRANA News Agency – Prisoners who have been charged with Muharebeh according to the old Penal Code, would find the chance of a retrial, after the changes and may receive reduction in their sentences or be released. Currently there are at least 48 male prisoners in Iranian prisons on charges of Muharebeh, who have in different ways been sentenced to more than twenty years imprisonment (with the exception of life imprisonment sentences).
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), 48 male prisoners in Iranian prisons on charges of Muharebeh, who have in different ways been sentenced to more than twenty years imprisonment (with the exception of life imprisonment sentences). Due to the changes in the Islamic Penal Code in 2013, these prisoners may request for a retrial. Some might receive reduction in their sentences and some others who have served many years in prison may get released. Continue reading “The List of Prisoners Charged with Muharebeh and Sentenced to More than 20 Years”

Hunger Strikers in Critical Condition at Uremia Prison

HRANA News Agency – Despite deteriorating health condition of at least 13 striking prisoners at Uremia Central Prison, these prisoners continue their hunger strike.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency in Iran (HRANA), out of 26 striking prisoners who are at 33rd day of their hunger strike, at least 13 are in critical health condition. According to the reports, on December 21st general health of two prisoners “Ali Ahmad Soleymani and Khazar Rasoulizadeh” have deteriorated and started seeing blood spots in their vomit. Although they have been sent to the prison clinic, they refused to be injected with fluids and returned to the general ward later. Continue reading “Hunger Strikers in Critical Condition at Uremia Prison”

Hunger Strike at Uremia Prison Is Still Going On

HRANA News Agency – Twentieth day of hunger strike of 26 political prisoners detained in the central prison of Uremia (Darya) passed while the authorities regardless of the strikers’ demands were trying to convince them to break their strike.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), on Thursday 20th November, prisoners in ward 12 of central prison of Uremia to protest against the lack of “crime based wards’ separation” role and the problems with some primary facilities, have gone on unlimited hunger strike, but still their demands are denied. Continue reading “Hunger Strike at Uremia Prison Is Still Going On”

Pressure on hunger strikers at Uremia Prison has increased

HRANA News Agency – Authorities’ pressure to break the hunger strike of 28 political prisoners detained in the central prison of Uremia (Darya) has increased.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), on Saturday, 6th December, Intelligence Ministry representative summoned Osman Mostafapour, one of the prisoners in the prison of Uremia to the security office and asked him to stop hunger strike by disport from the strikers. Continue reading “Pressure on hunger strikers at Uremia Prison has increased”

Indifference of prison authorities to prisoners’ on-going hunger strike

HRANA News Agency – Even 16 days after the hunger strike of 28 Political Prisoners at Urmieh Central Prison (Darya) and concerning health condition of some strikers, the prison authorities are committed to ignore their demands.
According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), since 20 November 2014, 29 Political Prisoners incarcerated at Ward 12 of Urmieh Central Prison have started an indefinite hunger strike in protest at the neglect of Separation of Crimes and other issues with their union. During the 9th day of their hunger strike “Mansour Around” a death row prisoner was suddenly exiled to Mahabad Prison. Continue reading “Indifference of prison authorities to prisoners’ on-going hunger strike”

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Hunger strike at Uremia prison goes on

HRANA News Agency – The hunger strike of 29 political prisoners in central prison of Uremia has continued for its ninth day and one prisoner was transferred to Mahabad prison.
According to Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), prison authorities transferred Mansour Arvand, the prisoner who has sentenced to death and is on hunger strike along with 28 other political prisoners, to Mahabad without any previous note, on Saturday November 29. This day was the day that political prisoners of section number 12 could have visitors. Continue reading “Hunger strike at Uremia prison goes on”